Let’s take a trip back to the wonderful world of the mid-90s. A time where Fresh Prince was all the rage, and if you had an AOL disk, you could get on that mysterious world of THE INTERNET. At that time I was using an old Gateway computer with probably 500 mb of space and was in a phase where I was playing games like Space Quest, Command & Conquer, and Warcraft. I loved strategy and when my mom came home with a demo disk filled with a bunch of random games, I was pretty excited to play the robotic real-time strategy game, Z.

z-steel-soldiers-screenshot-8Originally created by Bitmap Brothers, Z was something that I hadn’t gotten from other games at that time. Not only was it challenging, it was hysterical. The demo disk only had one level, but I played it endlessly. I tried out different strategies and loved the graphics and gameplay. Flash forward almost twenty years and Z: Steel Soldiers HD is released.

Tik Tok and Kavcom Games revamped the classic with 30 new levels spread out against six new worlds. The fantastic humor from the original has come back and now the game is available on Steam as well as mobile devices. I played on my iPhone 6 and had a blast doing so. In games like Clash of Clans and Star Wars Commander, one of my biggest complaints is that you can try to tell your troops to go somewhere but they basically go where they want. Z Steel Soldiers actually let me decide where my troops would go and that is something that I’ve wanted from a mobile strategy game that’s been lacking.

You start out the game with a tutorial, and it doesn’t take you long to get acclimated with the controls. Tons of camera movement in this game, unlike it’s predecessor. It really helps being on a mobile device, as the format allows you to really zoom in and pay attention to the detail of the surroundings and different Steel Soldiers that you control. The games difficulty ranges from easy to excruciating as the levels go, and your rankings are based off of the time it takes you to complete a level. I appreciated the scoring system, as it forced me to go back a few times and tighten up my strategy in order to get a higher ranking.


I really enjoyed Z: Steel Soldiers and welcomed the HD reboot. You could tell that Tik Tok and Kavcom games spent a lot of time in making it fit well for mobile gameplay, and with a price tag of only $12.99. Pick yourself up a copy on Steam, Google Play, iTunes, Amazon, and any place else you purchase mobile games.  You can pick up the first game on Steam by clicking HERE.