

S1E9 ‘Year’s End’ Recap

Let’s end this mid-season with a bang! After the past two lack-luster weeks on Arrow, this week’s episode “Year’s End” set the tone for what’s to come on the second half of this hit show! It’s Christmas time in Starling City but it’s not Santa’s list we are concerned about! Walter keeps digging into the mystery behind Robert’s death only to get him in trouble! Moira continues to be stuck in the middle of her family and loyalty to whatever illegal shite she is dealing with. But the best part of this week’s episode (SPOILAGE!!!!) is the reveal of the Dark Archer. There is a new archer in Starling City finishing off the baddies who Ollie was after on his “father’s list”, which is now in question if it was Robert’s in the first place. The mystery behind who John Barrowman was playing on the show is finally solved as his identity as the Dark Archer is revealed and Merlyn finally shows face in our Green Arrow world! I really liked that this was not just an easy ending and that the show’s writers are not just wiping villains from the slate week after week, I think it’s important to have regular antagonists while introducing the weekly villain! We even got another look at Deathstroke, and a little more history into his character. So what is the deal with Purgatory Island, why is it a prison? So many questions, not a lot of answers…I love the pace of this show and hopefully the more popular it gets the grander the scale the production can operate on. Arrow returns January 16th, 2013 with all new episodes!!


Roy Harper Cast!!


Ex-Teen Wolf actor, Colton Haynes has been cast as Roy Harper, the boy who would become Green Arrow’s ward and sidekick, Speedy. No word yet on when he will appear, but the real question is how they will tie in a character who in the comics is significantly younger than Ollie. Rumor has it that Roy will be a part of Ollie’s younger sister, Thea Queen’s life…perhaps they can share their problems with addiction! Ha I kid…though I wonder if they will tie in the old heroin story to Speedy’s story. Strange enough Thea’s nickname is Speedy in the show right now so I wonder how that will come about for Roy…perhaps a death? Hmmmmm speculation.

Arrow airs Wednesdays on the CW at 8pm EST! Check out all of DFAT‘s previous Arrow coverage here!

Stay tooned 😛



VIA: TV Guide