by Jonathan Cornell | Jun 22, 2015 | Television
This series is another action/fantasy space show that follows a group of intergalactic bounty hunters called Killjoys. The term Killjoys refers to their profession that carries out Kill Warrants for anybody who hires them for termination. In a nutshell, they are...
by Jonathan Cornell | Jun 22, 2015 | Television
This is the second episode of an eight part miniseries. Leo and Max searches for Mia (Anita) and runs into trouble. Laura’s suspicions of Anita’s strange behavior intensify as she watches her around house. Peter’s jealousy of his Synth, Simon, grows as Simon takes...
by Jonathan Cornell | Jun 20, 2015 | Television
This is the second part of the pilot. The Raza crew finally know who they are and what their mission is. Everyone is speechless as they absorb what they discover about themselves from the computer. Their initial decision to help the colonists is unchanged, despite...
by Jonathan Cornell | Jun 19, 2015 | Far Back Fridays, Movies
Let me ask you a question… many times have you watched the original Star Wars Trilogy, and which one is your favorite? If you can’t make up your mind then you are not alone. Many people agree that Empire Strikes Back is their favorite because of the dark theme...
by Jonathan Cornell | Jun 16, 2015 | Television
This science fiction drama is based on a currently running successful television show in Sweden called Real Humans. This series gives us a possible future where robots, called Synthetics, are built to look like us and perform all sorts of labor both domestic and...