It’s the Most Bat-Tastic Day of the Year! When DC first announced Batman Day in 2014 to celebrate the characters 75th Anniversary I remember Chris Walk and I were down at New York Comic Con and got to really live it up like the TRUE geeks we are. They had posters, STAMPS (which I used to send out my wedding invites), Special Variant Comics, and so much more. It was quite the auspicious occasion and I think it’s just amazing that it’s going to continue two years later and probably forever.
Many of you may already have guessed that we’re all pretty huge of The Dark Knight here at DFAT. I can remember one of my earliest memories of interaction with the Caped Crusader was the 1989 Tim Burton film. I remember seeing the previews for the movie (I was 8) and telling my family that I HAD to see that movie. Luckily, some family member was cool enough to take me to the movies and I was completely hooked after that.
I had as much Batman merchandise as I could get my hands on. Toys, Graphic Novelizations of the film, the Converse shoes with Bat-Logos on them. I certainly played the soundtrack all the time as well. By the time Batman Returns was released, I was a Bat-Fanatic. I was old enough to see the movie by myself at that point and it instantly became one of my top movies of all-time. To this day Batman Returns if my favorite Batman film.
Throughout the years, I’ve had a deep affection for the character as he and myself both evolve. It’s crazy to think that for a character over 75 years old, he never gets boring and writers still can come up with creative ways to make you appreciate him more. So, to all the Towelites celebrating Batman Day out there, have an amazingly fun time celebrating The Worlds Greatest Detective. I know I will be!
Keaton For Life!