So to my surprise this week, Beware the Batman gets a new intro. Nothing special here, but I’m not sure its necessary, I was starting to get used to the minimal intros that have been added to animated shows lately, an intro feels so 90’s to me sometimes, I dunno. Nonetheless, this doesn’t take away from the episode. Not as strong as previous ones so far this season, but still entertaining, Control introduces a new villain to the BTB world, Cypher. Control is a very Katana centric episode as it begins with Bruce and Tatsu sparring, remember that she is now officially Batman’s sidekick/partner, whatever, Tatsu still doesn’t have the skills to go toe-to-toe with the Bat!

Beware the Batman Control 02

Cypher, a character that has been reimagined for this show that is better than his comic book version, Cypher is a member of the League of Assassins, convenient right? Who isn’t going to be a part of the shadow organization?! But  man do these guys have an unlimited stable of villains to be throwing at Gotham City! Cypher has the ability to tap into your brain, “The Matrix” style, and have total control of his victim and their abilities. His main target for the episode is our favorite Dr Jason Burr, you remember him from earlier this season and his crush on Katana. Well it looks like Katana is starting to favor his attention. Which leads us to our next topic today, and the title of the episode, Control.

Beware the Batman Control 01

Just like the other episodes this season, Control has different means and implications throughout our 30 minute show. Yes Cypher’s powers does give him puppet-like control over his victims but also “control” references what Batman warns Katana of, losing control of your emotions. This is a huge factor in the battle against evil and can always act as a deterrent to a heroes goals and mission. Her attachment to Dr Burr breaks her concentration and puts her and Batman at more of a risk of Cypher escaping and winning. In the end, Control makes for a great filler episode and a way to reintroduce Dr. Burr back into the world. I like the idea of using Katana as a main character from time to time because it adds a little more depth to the BTB world. Will our Bat-Team have to face off against all of these LOA villains at once some point this season? Hopefully.

Beware the Batman airs on Cartoon Network, Saturdays at 10am EST!

Stay tooned 😛


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