Dark Horse Comics releases for 11/05/14
Dark Horse Comics has some great releases hitting stores this week. Fire and Stone continues in...
Clive Barker’s Books of Blood debuts on Madefire app and deviantART
I've been a Clive Barker fan for as long as I could pronounce the word Cenobite and have followed...
Alien: The Archive – A review of the ultimate guide to the classic movies from Titan Books
Disclaimer: A copy of Alien: The Archive was provided by Titan Books for this review If you...
Mike Mahle talks about crowd funding his art book ‘Prime’ through Kickstarter!
Mike Mahle is one of those creative masterminds that continues to create beautiful and engaging...
Star Wars Sundays presents the ludicrous first name of Emperor Palapatine
It's kind of hard to believe that for over 30 years we have not known the name of Emperor...