Cody Vrosh chats it up about his new Kickstarter Project, The Androids Astrological Companion
I had the amazing opportunity to talk with artist, Cody Vrosh, the man and legend behind Binary...
In Praise of Things You Shouldn’t be Allowed to Read as a Young Adult But Did
So this week, for those in the know, was Banned Books Week, an annual week-long celebration of...
The Art of Greg Spalenka – Visions From the Mind’s Eye: CheriMonster reviews the Titan Books release!
I don't pretend to know a lot about art. I'm not an artist. Though at certain times in my life I...
Neil Patrick Harris shows off a trailer for his book, ‘Choose Your Own Autobiography’
There's little denying that Neil Patrick Harris is one of the coolest people on the planet. You...
The Art of John Alvin from Titan Books review
A copy of The Art of John Alvin was provided by Titan Books for this review To tell you the truth...