Help Crowd Source the Kickstarter for Nightmare on Elm Street making-of book!
If you're a fan of the Nightmare on Elm Street series, then you've probably already seen the...
Star Wars Episode VII and beyond will not be based on Expanded Universe
We finally got our answer this week about what would happen to the Star Wars Expanded Universe...
Star Wars Sunday presents: Disney is making new children’s books based off Original Trilogy
You know what I love about Star Wars? The Original Trilogy. Sometimes I forget that the prequels...
Star Wars Sundays presents: The return of Star Wars Reads Day!
We're proud to announce the third marriage of two of our favorite things, reading and Star Wars....
Far Back Fridays presents: Returning back to Hogwarts – A look back at Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived
I kind of stumbled upon Harry Potter a long time ago. I had heard people talking about it and...