Everyone loves exclusives! Especially those people lucky enough to go to a show like SDCC and get their collective hands on them. Well Diamond will be set up at the big event and they have just released what they will be featuring at their booth, check out the official release with pictures below!
Diamond Announces 2016 SDCC PREVIEWS Exclusives
(BALTIMORE, MD)- (May 25, 2016) – Diamond Comic Distributors is offering over 25 extremely limited PREVIEWS exclusives for this year’s Comic-Con International: San Diego (July 20-24). The list includes several variants of Marvel’s current hit, Civil War II, an exclusive Outcast cover from Image just in time for the show’s premiere on Cinemax, a slew of Diamond Select Toys items, and more!! Comic-Con attendees will be able to preview the items at the Diamond PREVIEWS booth #2401 and purchase from participating retailers on the show floor.
“Diamond will be showcasing the con exclusive items at the PREVIEWS booth, and then we’ll guide fans to retailers who have the exclusives available for purchase on the show floor,” said Diamond’s Director of Marketing, Dan Manser. “These items are extremely limited and a big reason why fans look forward to coming to Comic-Con International: San Diego each year.”
For more information and to pick up our one-sheet listing retailers on the show floor where you can purchase our SDCC PREVIEWS Exclusives, make sure to visit the Diamond PREVIEWSworld Booth #2401.