Valiant and Diamond Select Toys Unveil Ninjak/Shadowman Minimates Two-Pack – Coming Spring 2016
Continuing their kick-ass partnership from last year, Diamond Select Toys and Valiant are teaming up again to bring more minimates! The all-new Ninjak/Shadowman Minimates Two-Pack will be arriving at a comic shop and Toys "R" Us near year this upcoming Spring. Learn...
Star Wars Snippets: Soaring to #1, Going Solo, Passing Go!
Hey Star Wars fans, as you've noticed lately there has been so much news regarding Star Wars that we have trouble corralling all of this great info into just Sunday articles. So here we have some Star Wars "snippets" to share with you from this week's news stories so...
Captain America: Civil War Collectibles – Which side will you choose?
How about BOTH! Marvel's Captain America: Civil War is scheduled to hit theaters this May and the merchandising onslaught has begun. Let's check out the latest collectibles to be announced! It's time to open up THE TOY CHEST! Of course there would be Funko...
Plan for a Happy New Year with New Items from X-Files, Civil War and Ghostbusters!
The new year is upon us, and 2016 is already looking pretty great! That’s because the new issue of Previews has another dozen new items from Diamond Select Toys, all scheduled for release this summer. With products from The X-Files, The Muppets, Batman: The Animated...
New X-Files, iZombie, PvZ, BTTF Products on Sale 12/30 in Comic Shops
Ring in the New Year at Your Comic Shop with New Items from DST! The holidays are nearly over, but Diamond Select Toys still has a few more toys to deliver! On December 30th, your local comic shop will get in a sack full of goodies, allowing you to kick off 2016 with...