Good morning Towelites! Let’s get rolling with this week’s releases that your’s truly will be reading! Chime in on how you think this week’s books are going to be! The Age of Ultron is kicking the Marvel U’s collective butt, who will live and who will die!? Mark Millar has one more Kick-Ass story to tell but first check out his new series with the talented Frank QuitelyJupiter’s LegacyTrinity War is on its way!! Get ready from Batman Year Zero from Zach Snyder and Greg Capullo! How’s your Marvel NOW! reading list going?: Are you keeping up? Here are the rest of this weeks books @ Things From Another World.


jupiters legacy 1 coverAquaman #19
: DC ComicsThe Ice King takes the throne as the true king of Atlantis-but who will be the first to kneel before him?


All Star Western #19: DC Comics: What type of gold means certain death for Jonah Hex? BOOSTER GOLD!


Avengers #10: Marvel Comics: We learn that the Canadian super team Omega Flight got lost in a Garden Origin Site.


Before Watchmen Comedian <#6 of 6>: DC Comics: Really, is this the end of the Before Watchmen Saga? No wonder Marvel decided to release their books on a weekly basis. I forgot what happened already!


Fantastic Four #7: Marvel Comics: You’ve seen how everything begins — now see how everything ends! Marvel’s first family travels to THE BIG CRUNCH!


Flash #19: DC Comics: What is the latest and greatest threat to The Flash and all those closest to him?


Guardians of the Galaxy #2: Marvel Comics: While London deals with the brutal Badoon invasion, the fate of the Guardians of the Galaxy may have been decided millions of miles away.


Jupiters Legacy #1: Image Comics: The comic-book event of 2013 finally arrives as superstar creators MARK MILLAR and FRANK QUIETLY give us the superhero epic that all future comics will be measured by.  The world’s greatest heroes have grown old and their legacy is a poisonous one to the children who will never live up to their remarkable parents. Unmissable.


Star Wars Legacy II: Prisoner of the Floating World #2: Dark Horse Comics: Ania Solo found a lightsaber inside a broken Imperial communications droid. Now she’s being pursued by the local police-and a determined Imperial Knight who is willing to kill to get the weapon!


Stay tooned 😛

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