This week the Raza crew is fighting both a ship malfunction that can prove deadly and suspicions and accusations between the crew members as to who is the saboteur.

Dark Matter E3 01The Good

  • The mystery thickens as Five (Kid) discovers a teenage boy’s body in one of the storage areas. Autopsy show that he was shot and preserved well because of the near freezing temperature in the storage room.
  • Three (Sunshine) is still trying to grab authority over the crew. He tells them that they should sell the Raza and its contents and go their separate ways.  Obviously, Two (Boss Lady) objects, but says when they dock at spaceport, they will sell the remaining cargo and if anyone wants to leave they can, but she will not sell the ship.  The rest of the crew agrees.
  • Six (Tiny) discovers that Two has been hiding the fact that Five may have the memories of all the crew.
  • One (Pretty Boy) gets the Android to become a lie detector for the crew in order to find out who could be the saboteur.
  • A power failure occurs during FTL. They drop out of FTL and stop near a Type 1 supernova.  Gamma radiation is bombarding the ship.  The Raza is using all of its power to strengthen the shields, but time is running out.
  • The Android volunteers to go outside and repair the ship while lethal gamma radiation is swimming around it.
  • While getting the Android ready for an EVA (space walk), Three decides to mutineer the ship, but fails at his attempt.
  • While trying to repair the ship, the Android gets hit with an electrostatic charge and shuts down. One and Six rescue her, but Six gets hit with a charge as well.  Five is able to revive the Android in time for her to save Six.
  • After things start to settle down, Five goes back to the place where she found the boy.  She finds a metal box with a gun inside.
  • A mysterious figure arrives at a space port asking about the Raza and one particular crew member. He identifies himself as Jace Corso.  He looks exactly like One(Pretty Boy)

Dark Matter E3 02The Bad

  • Too many mysteries still linger; the ring, the big metal door, the saboteur, and the Kid.
  • Three (Sunshine) seems to be the only spark of life out of this crew so far. I hope the rest of them get out of their funk and start to become interesting.

Next week the Raza crew face a doppleganger of One (Pretty Boy), it should be interesting.


Dark Matter S1E3 recap