This week Six (Tiny) takes a trip to find his old boss that used him to perform a terrorist attack against the Galactic Authority. The crew tries to track down him by using space travel technology that exposes One’s dirty little secret.
- The crew of the Raza re-supplies their inventory at a space station. Six takes the opportunity to use one of the space travel pods to transport himself to another location in order to get information about The General, his old terrorist leader of the Procyn Insurrection.
- The Travel Transfer pods uses clones for people to travel to distant places without ever leaving their original destination. Their minds are imprinted on a clone in the receiving pod where new memories and experiences are downloaded into them and return safely back into the original body when the trip is finished.
- Five (Kid) finds out what Six is doing and informs the crew what he is doing. Two(Boss Lady) tells Four (Slashy)and One(Pretty Boy) to follow him and bring him back.
- While using these Travel Transfer pods, One’s fake identity is removed and his real one is revealed to Four.
- The Android wakes up from repairing herself. Five is there and apologizes for what Wendy had done to her. The Android uses logic to explain that what Five did is logical and doesn’t have to apologize for it. Five then tries to tell her that she is becoming more human than robot because Five knows that she was jealous of Wendy. Five gives her a hug.
- Six finds the General and confronts him about his betrayal. Six kills him, but the General is a clone and the original is far away from danger.
- One and Four find Six and bring him home. Six is confused with One’s new face.
- One faces the firing squad back on the Raza. Two is angry about him lying to the crew. She tells him that they need to trust one another in order for them to survive.
- Two monitors the Androids progress. She tells the Android that moral is way down and that trust has been broken. The Android tells her it works both ways. She needs to be honest with the crew about her miraculous healing condition and not hide it from them.
- Four contacts his family.
- One finds out more about his real identity. It turns out that his name is Derrick Moss, heir to a vast fortune and his wife Catherine Moss is a victim of a murder investigation that Three(Sunshine) happens to be the prime suspect.
This week One’s secret is revealed and somehow Three is connected to his past. Could it be that One is the person who erased their memories after all. Six finds closure to his ties with his terrorist past, and the Android is starting to become more human. Can Two face up her secret and come clean about herself? Next week we get to see more of Four’s family’s issues.