
The Flash

The exciting aspect of the New 52 is seeing when and where our favorite superheroes and super-villains are going to show up for the first time! Flash #17 marked the first appearance for fan favorite, The Reverse Flash. In the upcoming arc, this classic rogue takes center stage with his new look shown below! What do you think Towelites of the new look by Francis Manapul? Do you miss the classic yellow? Check out Flash #20 coming this May, preorder it at!

Reverse Flash

Image courtesy of CBR


The Riddler is rumored to be taking on the Dark Knight, in Scott Snyder‘s and Greg Capullo‘s epic run on Batman! BUT! starting in issue #21 this June, the dynamic duo will start their 11-issue run entitled The Year Zero. “But didn’t we just run an event on the #0?”,  you ask yourself calmly as you file away all those back issues. Also who will be featured as these original Bat-villains? Will we see a new origin story for The Riddler??? Hit the jump after the pic for Snyder’s interview.


Batmans Beginning.JPEG-0562cJUMP!: AP


Scott Snyder’s The Wake

Scott Snyder not writing superhero genre is something that always interests me. Now don’t get me wrong, Batman has been a solid book and Swamp Thing seems to be more in his range, than that of say the new Man of…sorry Superman Unchained! With Rot World now finished and ready for the reading and it seems that American Vampire is on break, what has Snyder been working on? Apparently this new title, The Wake. Sean Murphy, who has worked with Snyder previously on AV, adds art to this series. Check out what Snyder had to say on the DC Comics Blog:

“I couldn’t be more excited about The Wake! This is a story Sean and I have actually been developing together for more than a year, a big, twisted, sprawling science fiction and horror epic, all of which begins with a single, terrifying discovery at the bottom of the ocean. It’s one of the most ambitious stories I’ve ever done, and there’s no one I’d rather be creating it with than Sean Murphy. Sean’s a great friend, and we had a blast together on American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest; luckily, he’s also one of the industry’s brightest new stars, someone with unrivaled abilities as a world-builder—every scene he draws is so fully realized, so richly imagined, it’s hugely inspiring working with him, and I’m grateful to him for signing on to be my partner at the end of the world, here.”

Via: DC Comics blog

The Wake DC Comics Vertigo Scott Snyder


When Marine Biologist Lee Archer is approached by the Department of Homeland Security for help with a new threat, she declines but quickly realizes they won’t take no for an answer. Soon she is plunging to the depths of the Arctic Circle to a secret, underwater oilrig where they’ve discovered something miraculous and terrifying…

Look for The Wake on May 1st. Pre-order it at


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