Dexter S8.10 ‘Goodbye Miami’

With only 2 more episodes left to the series, the question on everyone’s mind is: How the heck is this show going to end? I’m really enjoying this season, don’t get me wrong. I just can’t figure out how it’s all going to come together. Obviously Vogel isn’t coming to the family reunion, but is Dex making it to Argentina with Hannah? Will Deb and Joey get back together, much to my dismay? Check out the recap below:

– You don’t invite a serial killer over to tea, you just don’t. Especially one that murdered his own brother, your son.

– I think that US Marshall got his career started by watching Point Break on repeat. He sounds like a surfer boy.

– I think this episode featured the more Harrison/Dexter bonding time, than in the entire season.

– She may be a poisoner, but she makes a mean grilled cheese lunch

– I loved the foreshadowing of Harrison on the tread mill, serves him right for falling off of it

– Is anyone else seeing the resemblance between Daniel and Ryan Gosling? Have I mentioned this already?

– This chick is making you a full meal, and you decide to break up with her? At least get some food in you first.

– I feel bad for Sean Patrick Flanery. All he did was help Deb out, and she just completely bailed on him.

– Vogel getting her throat slit…did not see that one happening like all that. Wow.

Here’s some previews for the next couple of episodes.

Leave your predictions in the comments section on how you think it’s gonna end? I have a feeling that one of those Morgans are gonna do, could be from a nasty infection on Harrison’s chin. Could be that Deb dies from not eating. Hannah accidentally poisons herself. Who knows?
