The Jurassic franchise continues with this dark action packed sequel to the first film, Jurassic World. Again the special effects in this one are simply astounding and the story line definitely doesn’t disappoint. It is three years later and the island is an amusement park graveyard. However, the unnatural wildlife is thriving along with an active volcano that is threatening to swallow the island with their inhabitants. It is a race against time to save as many genetically engineered dinosaurs as possible before Mother Nature recalls the island back into the ocean. This film is a mirror image of the second Jurassic Park: Lost World movie, where the dinosaurs are to be transported off the island, but obviously something goes terribly wrong. Human involvements with these animals never go as planned.
This film is darker than most. The dinosaurs are much more scary and menacing. The feel of the film is of desperation and sadness. The innovation of these creatures is astounding, but the ramification of playing God leads to a decision that most people never think about until it is too late. In this film there are secrets within secrets, twists within twists, and plain old greed that lead to disastrous results.
Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard reprise their roles from the previous Jurassic World film and this time they are aided by a paleo veterinarian, Zia Rodriguez; and former Jurassic World employee computer technician, Franklin Webb. Three years have passed since the initial Jurassic World fiasco, Owen Grady and Claire Dearing has moved on to different goals and ambitions. Yet of course they are sucked in by a wealthy philanthropist to try and rescue their creations before an active volcano swallows the whole island. This film is a mashup of all the Jurassic films and takes us on a wild ride with man eating creatures, nefarious bad guys, and a scientist with a God complex. It is a film that every child needs to grow up.
Director, J.A. Bayona, delivers a much darker and grim look in this movie. Dr. Ian Malcolm said it perfectly in the first Jurassic Park film, “You people wield genetics like a new toy and don’t stop to think if it can be done, but should it be done.” The storyline is refreshingly new; although the feeling of de ja vu creeps into your mind when you watch this movie. The relationship between Chris Pratt and Bryce Howard’s character are tested as they encounter situations that question their moral and ethical beliefs. Whatever they decide will change our world forever.
Overall, this film delivers one hell of a summer blockbuster. The special effects on the dinosaurs still amaze me. With technology today, anything is possible. The story is better developed and a lot more complex than the first film. As in all the other Jurassic films, there is always room for more stories to be told. I guess we’ll have to wait and see what they come up with next time.
I give this film three and a half out of five movie stubs.