My year with DFAT!
It all started last September after I had read The Walking Dead: Rise of the Governor. Chaz asked me to write a review for the site, which turned into other reviews, which turned into a regular weekly re-cap. I have to say, as a fan girl gone Mom, it has helped me to tap back into my creative side. I’m constantly trying to think of new things to write up, and it’s made watching my favorite shows a whole new, better experience.
Because of DFAT I was not only able to get passes to Motor City ComicCon this year, I was able to score an interview with an up and coming writer/producer/director! That was probably one of the coolest things I’ve done to date!
I look forward to another year of TV, music, games and toys to talk about. To being able to bring new, or even old, stuff to our fans and just to be able to have fun!
Thanks to the DFAT family for including me and making this lame old broad feel cool again 🙂