Christmas Day was filled with family, presents, and cybermen roasting on open fires. Yeah you read that right, we got to see The Time of The Doctor, or the final episode of Doctor Who starring Matt Smith. It was bittersweet and ushered in the next Doctor, Peter Capaldi. Below, we have some behind-the-scenes footage from the episode and if you haven’t watched it yet, you should avoid this at all costs. Spoilers Ahead!

If you want to re-watch the regeneration, here’s that as well.

Finally, here’s a deleted scene from the episode.

Capaldi is only signed on for one season of playing the Doctor, so we’ll see how it all plays out starting in the Summer of 2014. Will he actually be the final Doctor, or will Steven Moffat find some time-wimey loophole to keep the series going? I’m banking on the latter!
