Hello everyone, and welcome to Don’t Forget A Towel’s first HALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST!
With our recent visit to NY Comic Con, we’re super hyped to see people dressed up; so we figured this Halloween would be a perfect time to throw a little contest, and get a PRIZE going for BEST COSTUME.
Anyone can join. Submit your own, a friends, or even your kids. We here at DFAT will then judge, scrutinize, laugh with and praise all the entries – and award a winner with the perfect gift for Halloween: You’re very own Blu-raycopy (or DVD if you prefer) of one of the great HORROR CLASSICS; the original Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th or Halloween. Best of all, YOU get to choose which one you would like.
1) 1) LIKE our Facebook page.
2) 2) SHARE this post. (lets see how many cool costumes we can check out)
3) 3) SUBMIT a picture of your costume (or kids/friends/whoever) at [email protected]
That’s it. You probably already like our page, and you know you’re gonna be taking pictures of your awesome costume anyway. So just share this and send in the pic, and you can win YOUR CHOICE of one of the greatest classic horror flicks of all time!
Pictures MUST BE submitted by MIDNIGHT on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 6th. (which gives you plenty of time to send in your entry)
Winner, along with pictures of your great costumes will post on Thursday, November 14th.
Questions? Email us at [email protected] (or leave it in the comments below).
The Don’t Forget a Towel crew!