Batman Day 2016 – Thoughts on The Dark Knight
It's the Most Bat-Tastic Day of the Year! When DC first announced Batman Day in 2014 to celebrate the characters 75th Anniversary I remember Chris Walk and I were down at New York Comic Con and got to really live it up like the TRUE geeks we are. They had posters,...
Far Back Fridays presents “A Mad Max Retrospective”
In 1979, George Miller made his directorial debut when he unleashed "Mad" Max Rockatansky upon the world. Set in a dystopian world full of violence, dwindling resources and famine there is no other film franchise like Mad Max. For the purpose of this article I would...
Captain America Statue and Superhero Mythology
Statues and monuments aren’t about the people to whom they owe their likenesses. Not really. Such memorials immortalize the ideas, struggles and virtues of ages in the forms of figures who represented and distilled them. The bust of General George Custer in my...
The Killing Joke Post Mortem – Batgirl
It’s been about two weeks since The Killing Joke premiered as a Warner Bros. Animation film in a “one night event” that of course turned into two nights because money, that’s why. And while two weeks isn’t a long time, it feels like a lifetime since the premiere. ...
Game of Thrones: What Fan Theories Will Come True?
SPOILERS AHEAD We’d been sitting at the edge of our seats for months, awaiting the arrival of each episode within the sixth season of HBO's Game of Thrones, the first batch to take fans past what was already covered in the books. Now that it’s come to an end following...