In response to my own article about Marvel’s Civil War
I think it's time we had a talk. No, no, you aren't in trouble, there are just some things I've noticed recently. Not that, you know I don't care about that, no, this has to do with you leading people on. Look Internet, I've heard that excuse before, but I'm serious...

Halloween – The Truth behind its Masks and Goodies!
We celebrate Halloween to become somebody else once a year, and not feel like a dork about it. To do "mischievous deeds" and not suffer the consequences, that’s why we celebrate it. Do you remember all your costumes that you wore when you were a child? Do you...

The Flash S1E4 “Going Rogue” recap
The Flash has been super successful using the "villain of the week" formula, and they don't let up this week! In fact, we are introduced to one of The Flash's most important bad guys, Captain Cold! AKA Leonard Snart, this leader of The Rogues is played by Prison Break...

Alien: The Archive – A review of the ultimate guide to the classic movies from Titan Books
Disclaimer: A copy of Alien: The Archive was provided by Titan Books for this review If you couldn't tell already, we here at DFAT are HUGE fans of the film Alien. This past month has been our own celebration of the 35th Anniversary of the classic sci-fi movie by...

Sons of Anarchy S7E8 “Separation of Crows” recap
Okay guys, things are starting to come together. With only 5 episodes left I was hoping we would have some questions answered. We know that Tyler is still playing both sides, which is why he wasn't at the meeting. He's helping the MC find out where Marks has Bobby....