If you’ve been following along with our coverage of all the great Final Fantasy XV announcements that have been thrown at us over the past week then you are a true fan! There are so many thing out there getting fans and newcomers alike excited for the return of everyone’s’ favorite RPG series. But leave it to Square Enix to create some amazing action figures based on the characters in the stylings of their awesome Play Arts Kai series. Below you will find pictures showing off the three figures that are available, not to mention at a reduced price if you pre-order by April 10th so hit the link and get on it! Final Fantasy XV hits stores on September 30th!


Gladiolus, Ignis and Prompto has been recreated with a stunning detail into highly articulated action figures – Play Arts KAI!

Each figure comes with interchangeable parts, their weapon of choice and Play Arts KAI stand!

FINAL FANTASY XV – Ignis, Gladiolus and Prompto are now up for Pre Order and as an added bonus we offer 10% OFF to those who Pre Order before 10th April. (Offer ends at midnight)

Don’t let Noctis be afraid, get the rest of the team to STAND BY HIM 😉
