It’s always interesting to notice how many giant entertainment companies are still behind the curve when it comes to progressive ideas.
Now, we all have them from time to time, but unless you’re fully plugged into the loop, you might as well grab a dusty book and become an ‘end is nigh’ type, screaming at the pigeons.
That isn’t to say that it’s not worth laying them down in a post though, which is what we’re going to do here. Today we’re looking at a few ways in which Netflix could improve their game. And in a bizarre way, it’s fun to do, because when they pick up on these things, you can give reality a little wink, even if the only money comes in the form of notes with a little ‘monopoly ®’ sign on them.
Expanding the 1%
As any good geek will tell you, anything that you can source on Google only accounts for a conceptual 1% of what’s available online. The rest being what is commonly known as the ‘deep web’, where all the nasty stuff lives.
The content on Netflix is a lot like this. The only titles that float to the top are those that they have business ties to. Obvious stuff. What we might see more of in the future however are more colloquially designed categories in the browse bar.
So instead of just ‘cult films’, and ‘anime’, things will get categorised by our common answers to the question: “what do you fancy watching?”, like:
“Something that isn’t serious, but isn’t stupid either, maybe a mix.”
“Something I can zone out too, without my head being filled by nonsense.”
“A dumb comedy, but nothing with —- ——- in it.”
“Dark with a good heart.”
“Chilled existential.”
“Romantic but not soppy.”
You get the idea. It’s this more informal and creative approach to creating category associations that will give companies like Netflix the edge in the near future, as things move further away from archaic DVD shop style groupings.
Holistic marketing
Just a funky name for linking everything. Sure, there’s your ‘more like this’ tab, and Netflix’ user behaviour algorithms suggesting titles that you might like. But the next step is to link personalised merchandise suggestions as well. If they’re clever, they’ll just make this an optional window that you can open, instead of any cumbersome adds.
It won’t end there however. The aim is to link all of your daily digital activities, whether it’s job searching, social bantering, or music listening etc, to the list of titles promoted to you, where hopefully: you’ll engage with further purchasable items.
Dancing with the now
Most of us pay more attention to comedians speaking the truth than politicians trying to be funny.
On the other hand, you may be familiar with how many entertainment professionals avoid politics like a lecherous ex. However, would it be possible to cross-pollinate the political views of the creative professionals we like – perhaps via optional independant video links at the end of a movie or show – with our viewing and media interests?
Who knows. We already know that Netflix’ global agreements limit the titles which can be seen in different countries (which can be easily side-stepped with sites like, yet it’ll be the companies that manage to figure out a way to stay both politically neutral, and offer tie-ins with global issues that offer the most zeitgeist platforms.
Back to the Bat Cave (before closing time)
We all like having a go at being a casual Nostradamus. Yet something happens in everyone when we interact with certain platforms over a long period, and look beyond the meal placed in front of us.
If you feel like hearing a few more thoughts from the DFAT depths, come and check out our bi-weekly podcasts.
Other than that, here’s a photo of Rod Steiger from The Illustrated Man (1969), and a quote from the film:
“Each person who tries to see beyond his own time must face questions to which there cannot be absolute answers.”
See you on the geek side!