IDW had a great presence at NYCC this year and they announced that their publishing company would be putting out a couple of cool Artist Editions of two great pieces of comic history, Jack Kirby‘s New Gods and Dave Gibbon’s Watchmen. First up we have one of my favorite works of all time, Jack Kirby’s the New Gods.
This beautiful book measures in at 12 x 17 inches and features 5 complete issues from Kirby’s first Fourth World series. What I love about Kirby is that he both wrote and drew his stories so it was a great connection to exactly what the artist wanted to portray to his readers. Next up we have a book that will feature the art of Dave Gibbons from his time on Watchmen.
Coming in at the same size as the New Gods book, Watchmen Artifact Edition will feature a collection of covers and pages from the series.
“We’re equally thrilled, Watchmen is obviously one of the most acclaimed and influential series of all time, and New Gods is arguably the greatest of Kirby’s works during his tenure at DC. It’s a true privilege to publish these books.”
Greg Goldstein – IDW President
Also look for Artist Editions of Jim Steranko‘s , who I just met at NYCC, Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Vol 2. of Nick Fury and Captain America, the other two books will be hitting shelves sometime 2014.
I still find it funny that IDW puts out these great books featuring art from their competition. But when it’s in appreciation for the form then I don’t believe in those boundaries.
Stay tooned 😛