You may have stumbled upon this site by happenstance, but in all actuality it was fate that led you here. A fate that guides us all to our destinies, and you my friend, are destined for greatness. We here at Don’t Forget a Towel don’t just report the geekly entertainment news, NO, we live it! We are proud to wear an S on or chest, or a lantern, or a radioactive spider! We go home to our significant others and ignore them in order to soak in our favorite television show, or try to beat the next boss in a video game.

If this sounds like the GLORY you’d like to be a part of, then join us! Become a TOWELITE and travel the geekly space-time continuum together with your brothers (and sisters) in arms! We are recruiting contributors as we speak to join the ranks of the Geek Elite! Could you be the next CynicNerd or The Ox? Do you have a voice, but no forum to get out your opinions and ideas? Well, you can here at DFAT, because we NEED your help! We need YOUR voice!

All upcoming and talented Towelites can reach us at our

Email: [email protected]


Twitter: DFATowel

Just let us know what kind of work you’re interested in reporting, be it: Comics, Video Games, Toys, Movies, or all of the above! We would love to hear from you, and we’d love for you to grow with us! Join the few, the geekly, The Towelites!