This summer the beginning of the end arrives for Wolverine! Marvel Comics has announced that “3 Months to Die” will be a prequel arc to September’s mini-series, Death of Wolverine. The series will be told in 4 parts and will be written by Charles Soule (She-Hulk) with art by Steve McNiven (Old Man Logan). Soule explains that “He’s reflecting on his own life as he’s reflecting on his own death. We wanted to have the reader do that at the same time. In each issue, we’re focusing on a different aspect, or a different quintessential Wolverine.”. Each book in the series is meant to act as a retrospective on the character and will explore the impact of all of this on the entire Marvel Universe.
The tough part of all of this is the concept of “death” in comic books, and how long will Logan really be “dead” for. Whatever the story is, know this, the series will make a lot of money. Wolverine dies this September.
Via: EW