Hey Towelites! It’s time again to round up the latest news and rumors surrounding Marvel Studios Phase 2!

Looking forward to Iron Man 3? We sure are! Here’s a great new photo of the Iron Patriot!

Via: Empire Magazine

Chris Hemsworth spoke with Empire Magazine about a many things regarding the upcoming Thor sequel:

We’ve known since Thor 1 that we were gonna do a Thor 2, so we’ve been talking about possibilities, and then once The Avengers worked, there were things where we’d go, “Cool, we can continue this and this is where we go from them with the story.” It’s been a long time. But you always need this period, the rehearsal prep, and we’ve got some good stuff down. I just saw some of the sets in the last few days and it looks incredible. There’s a lot more of an organic kind of feel to Asgard now. And that Viking element of the Asgardian people, of Thor’s history, is much more present. It’s less science fiction. I mean, if you look at Game Of Thrones, what I love about it is that it has that mythical element but you’re always grounded in such an organic world. I think that’s the goal scored second time round. You almost forget that this just doesn’t happen that often. I was talking to Matt Damon and he goes to me, “So Snow White did pretty good?” and I said, “Yeah, I think it’ll probably hit $400 million, but it’s not Avengers numbers.” And he goes, “Man!” and he shook his head. “You’re [frick]ing ruined – 400’s huge!” It’s like my brain thinks, “That’s the norm now, that’s the benchmark.” Which, Jesus, I don’t think anything will ever come close…Probably Avengers 2. But it will be pretty hard to hit that again. It’s almost as if I’ve been ruined for the rest of my career regarding box office expectations.

Another Agent of SHIELD has been recruited! The character Agent Grant Ward who is described as:

Quite the physical specimen and “cool under fire,” he sometimes botches interpersonal relations. He’s a quiet one with a bit of a temper, but he’s the kind of guy that grows on you.

Cast in the role of Agent Ward is Brett Dalton (Killing Lincoln), and we are getting closer and closer to our full roster. Time to fire up the Helicarrier!! Filming starts this January!


Catch up with all the news and rumors from Marvel’s Phase 2 here!


Stay tooned 😛
