Not sure if this is a good thing, in fact I’m convinced that it isn’t. Matty has always been pretty strict about their sign-up policies when it comes to their subscriptions, yet here they are RE-OPENING the 2013 subs! What bothers me is that the way fans were treated at NYCC last year, when all the Matty team wanted to do was talk about MOTU, and not anything else! I am worried that this will be the last year of DC Universe Classics Club Infinite Earths, the sub was down compared to the previous year, and even then it was tough to reach the top of the thermometer. So here we are, a quarter of the way the through the year and Matty is holding out the cup. Anyone who signs up now will miss out on all of the already released figures and also come of the exclusive ones. Whatevs, I hope it works and Matty gets some coin in their pocket, so head on over to to sign up! Anywho here is the official release:

Toy Fans,

One of the biggest requests we get is from people who missed the subscription enrollment period and want to jump into the current year. If you’re one of them, here’s your chance because we’re re-opening enrollment in our 2013 subscriptions!

This is a “club light” kind of thing… subscriptions purchased during this period will include figures released from May through December of 2013 (figures released January through April aren’t included). We’ll update each club’s product page with all the details when they re-open for purchase on 4/15, but here are the basics:

Subscriptions Available

4/15 9am PT thru 4/30 11:59pm PT

Club Eternia®

Club EterniaMonthly subscription includes one figure approximately every month for eight months from May thru December 2013 for a total of eight figures. The total commitment will be $350 (8 monthly figures @ $25 = $200), 3 beasts/variants/multi-packs/other (1 each at $25, $50, $75 = $150) plus shipping/taxes/fees. There is no membership fee and the club-exclusive King He-Man™ figure with map of Subternia and voting privileges for the packaging art are not included. Upcoming figures revealed to date are Karatti™ (May), Octavia™(June), Clamp Champ™ (July), Castaspella™ (August), and Mantenna™(October). Please note there is no September figure and instead we’ll have two basic figures in October – one is Mantenna™ and the other will be revealed at SDCC. Read more about the original 2013 Club Eternia® here.

Club Infinite Earths

Club Infinite EarthsMonthly subscription includes one figure approximately every month for eight months from May thru December 2013 for a total of 8 figures. The total commitment will be $144 (8 figures @ $18 each) plus shipping/taxes/fees. There is no membership fee and the club-exclusive Monsieur Mallah & The Brain figures are not included. Upcoming figures revealed to date are Wally West Flash (May), Red Hood (June), Freddy Freeman (July), Fire(August), and Huntress (September). Read about the original 2013 Club Infinite Earths here.

Club Black Freighter

Club Black FreighterBi-monthly subscription includes one figure approximately every other month beginning in May for a total of four figures. The total commitment will be $100 (4 figures @ $25 per figure) plus shipping/taxes/fees and there is no membership fee. Upcoming figures revealed to date are Silk Spectre (May), Night Owl (July), and TheComedian (September). The final figure, shipping in November, will surely be the smartest one in your collection. Read about the original 2013 Club Black Freighter here.

Club Filmation

Club FilmationMonthly subscription includes one figure approximately every month beginning in July for a total of six figures. The total commitment will be $150 (6 figures @ $25 per figure) plus shipping/taxes/fees and there is no membership fee. Upcoming figures revealed to date are Icer™ (July), Shokoti™ (August), and Batros™ (September). We’ve also revealed a mysterious sword that will belong to the November figure. Find out its owner at SDCC, along with the October and December figures. Read about the original 2013 Club Filmation here.

Early Access

New subscriptions for Club Eternia®, Club Infinite Earths, and Club Black Freighter get Early Access beginning in May 2013 and all Club Filmation subscriptions get Early Access beginning in July 2013. Read about Early Access here.

Combined Shipping

If you have current club subscriptions and purchase additional subscriptions during the April open enrollment, all of your subscriptions will be eligible for combined shipping the next time after the new subscriptions initially ship. New Club Eternia® and Club Infinite Earths subscriptions will be eligible beginning in June (the first month they ship is May), new Club Black Freighter subscriptions will be eligible in July (it’s bi-monthly and begins in May), and new Club Filmation subscriptions will be eligible in August (it begins in July).

Purchase Limits

There will be a limited number of these subscriptions available. You can purchase as many new subscriptions of any kind as you like until they sell out.

Again, these “club light” subscriptions will be open from 4/15 at 9am PT through 4/30 at 11:59pm PT. If you’d like an email reminder and you’re not already signed up, click here to register. You can also join me on Facebook, Twitter and in our Fan Forumsand you’ll get reminders there, too.



Stay tooned 😛


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