Hey Towelites! I got to go to the Motor City Comic Con this past weekend and I’m here to tell you all about it!

First and foremost, I have to tell you the most exciting thing… I MET JOHN BARROWMAN!! Yes, Captain Jack Harkness himself was there, in all his wonder and glory, and he did not disappoint. He was as cute, silly and sweet as you think he would be. I didn’t get an autograph or photo (the prices were ridiculous) but I did stand in line just to say hi regardless. Call me a dork if you want, but I had to at least meet him, right?
Speaking of standing in line, that’s one of the many things that the MCCC changed and did right this year. Last year, with Norman Reedus and Stan Lee being there, they weren’t ready for the crazy amount of fans that would be there, so the lines were absolutely insane. A good friend of mine stood in line for Norman Reedus for over 5 hours, with nothing to drink, no bathroom breaks, just waiting to meet him. I was afraid this year would be much of the same, seeing as they had so many amazing guests (John Barrowman, William Shatner, Scott Wilson and Jason Momoa just to name a few) but this year they devised a system with raffle tickets. They write down numbers by 20’s, you check back every 15 or 20 minutes to see if your number is on the board and when it’s your turn you get in line. No one waits in the actual line for longer than like 15 minutes. It was genius! I was able to walk around the convention, eat and hang out with my family and all I had to do was walk past his booth every once in a while. Not to mention the fact that everything else there seemed to be much more organized and well executed. The entire staff was friendly and helpful, and everyone loved my 6 year old so much that they kept trying to give him free stuff!
The booths were pretty much the same as last year, with some new vendors thrown in. I stopped by one called Retro-A-Go-Go (located out of Howell, Michigan) and they have some really awesome stuff there. Lots of pin-up girl designs, really cool flasks and belt buckles, check them out at retro-a-go-go.com!
Since we went on Friday there wasn’t too much to see in the way of Cos-Players, but we did get to see some. And a lot of the celebrity guests weren’t there yet, but there was more than enough there to keep us busy. We were able to get some cool stuff, and just look at all the amazing stuff we wanted.
I have to say, Comic Con is one of my favorite events of the year, I look forward to it with Geekly anticipation. I know Detroit doesn’t hold a candle to New York or San Diego, but we’re getting bigger and better every year and I’m proud of how far it’s come.
~The CheriMonster