I’m on the fence with this one. The original S.H. Figuarts Darth Vader was a pretty solid figure, but at the same time it has some scale issues. Bandai has been killing it with their Star Wars: A New Hope action figures and I can’t wait for the Obi Wan to go up.
We all knew that this new version of Vader was coming and the changes they have made to him are good and questionable. First up, I am not sure why Bandai has decided to give Vader a cloth cape. I am not a hater of soft goods but I am a firm believer that they should at least go all the way when it comes to these features. The lower cape is not fabric and it may end up looking funny, maybe not. Second, the helmet sculpt looks a little funny to me. With A+ versions out there like the new Black Series version and even the original SHF, it is tough to pull the trigger and justifying ordering this new version. I did, but only because I can make the decision to keep or cancel the order later. Maybe Bandai will make some changes to this one or maybe it’ll look great in hand, who knows. Third and lastly, the size seems to be about right this time around. Thank the Gods because no one want Vader Jr. gracing their shelves.
You can find the Dark Lord of the Sith up for preorder now (due in April 2018) on all of your favorite import sites, because Disney still can’t get Hasbro’s hand out of their pants.