Ichabod and Abbie go up against one of the oldest serial killers in human history. Jenny and Joe are on the hunt of the Shard of Anubis that was taken by Jenny’s old partner. Ichabod makes a decision that will change his life forever.
Pandora releases yet another ancient artifact from her box of treasures and picks out an innocent to corrupt. It is still a mystery as to why she is in Sleepy Hollow, but her tree is fully grown. Her fascination with the flowers growing on it leaves a lot to our imagination.
Abbie and Ichabod are called upon a murder in an office building where the victim is drained of blood and stabbed. The way the victim died brings flashbacks to Ichabod of a murder of a childhood friend back in England during the 1700’s. He mentions one of the most famous serial killers in human history, Jack the Ripper as the suspect. Ichabod believes that the knife used in the Ripper killings is the same one used here. This time the Witnesses are not fighting a monster, but an old artifact that changes innocent people into cold blooded serial killers. While researching more about the knife, they find that the knife dates back to the 10th century where the dagger was first used by a governor of Jerusalem. The knife has the ability to shed all insecurities from its possessor and quench their bloodlust. The dagger creates Rippers. The dagger is called the Byzantium Parana, or long bladed dagger. The perpetrator who uses the dagger were never found, just like Jack the Ripper, because they would die before they were brought to justice. Abbie and Ihabod discover that an employee in the office building has the dagger, Nelson Meyers. They rush to find him before he kills again and worse dies from it.
Jenny and Joe are the hunt to find the Shard that Randall stole. Unfortunately, someone else beat them to it. A woman, who works for a mysterious buyer, swindles Randall for the Shard. When Jenny and Joe meet up with her, Jenny tries to strong arm her for information about her client, but the woman doesn’t budge, she even warns her to not dig into it any further or else. Luckily the woman is not as sharp as Jenny, and she is able to get the Shard away from her.
Abbie and Ichabod find a way to track down Nelson by finding his object of his affection, a woman he has feeling for at the office, Emily Kates. Because the dagger drains the blood of its victim, Abbie and Ichabod come up with a brilliant way to stop its malicious powers by using infected or tainted blood to poison the dagger and free Nelson of its control. But unfortunately, during a physical confrontation with Nelson, Ichabod thinks on his feet and infects himself with the tainted blood while the dagger drinks Ichabod’s blood. The plan works, Nelson is free, Emily is safe, and the dagger can not harm anyone, but with a cost. Ichabod is infected and sick with malaria, the tainted blood. He is rushed to the hospital with Abbie on his side. Fortunately he will make a full recovery. Pandora makes a visit to Abbie while Ichabod is sick. She mocks and tries to intimidate her about her role as a Witness and her relationship with Ichabod. But it doesn’t question her feelings toward Ichabod, only strengthen her bond with him.
Now that this dilemma is over, Ichabod wants to address a matter that will change his life forever. He has decided to become an American citizen. He feels that by doing so will open up doors to wonderful things and opportunities like getting back the Sleepy Hollow archives which only can be restored by an American citizen. Abbie is more than happy to help, but it is Ms Corinth who catches Ichabod’s attention. I think their might be some spark between those two.
In conclusion, Abbie and Ichabod are faced with a powerful adversary that uses fear as the main focus for her and to bring it in Sleepy Hollow. Pandora is out for blood of the Witnesses. Jenny has a new partner in crime and it seems that Joe is a good match for her.
Next week the Witnesses must battle the Tooth Fairy. Just remember this is Sleepy Hollow, so this is not the Tooth Fairy you know and love. Hold on to your teeth and keep one eye open when you go to sleep.