Be warned if you want to know NOTHING about Star Wars: The Force Awakens do not look at the map below. But if you are interested here is the official navigation map including new and old planets of the Star Wars universe. What I don’t understand is it seems to be lacking some locations. Now I’ve been religiously reading the new canon and it seems to be missing some important locales. For example the main chunk of action that takes place in the novel Aftermath occurs on the planet Akiva. Now does this mean that there will be more maps, as you can see on the outlines of the picture below?
The map, by Pablo Hidalgo and The Star Wars Story Group, will be featured in the upcoming book Star Wars: The Force Awakens The Visual Dictionary (due out December 18th), so maybe we are only looking that places important to the movie. Nonetheless, I am looking forward to a more comprehensive guide to the ENTIRE new canon.