Star Wars Shattered Empire just wrapped up its four issue run. It was an exciting romp though the post Return of the Jedi universe that touched on every popular character from the original trilogy. At the center of all this is A-Wing pilot Shara Bey. We learn that she and Kes Dameron are the parents of Poe Dameron who will be playing a huge role in The Force Awakens. So today let’s suppose that they decide to take the development of this character one step further and include her in the film Rogue One. Specifically, as the character that Felicity Jones is portraying.

Rogue One group shot

Shara Bey Star Wars Shattered EmpirePersonally I feel that this would be an amazing move on the part of Lucasfilm. Rumor had it before, including some manipulated photos, that she would be playing Sabine Wren from Rebels, but that has pretty much been debunked.Sabine Wren Felicity Jones

While that would have been a great way to tie in the cartoon series, the idea that she may be Shara Bey is actually a little more grounded and something that I could see as a way to tie the original Trilogy into The Force Awakens using characters that were created in the ‘New Canon’. Everything is supposed to be connected, this is one way to do it in an intelligent way. I am looking forward to more stories about this ace pilot and hopefully some news that could shed some light on this theory.

May the Force be with you!