Path of a Lightsaber – The Journey of the Skywalker weapon

Path of a Lightsaber – The Journey of the Skywalker weapon

All I have to say about this fan-made video is WOW THE FEELS. YouTuber Christopher Sherwood has compiled footage from all of the Star Wars films to bring us an amazing exploration of how the Skywalker lightsaber made its way to Takodana and eventually into the hands...

Ahsoka Tano to get her own Star Wars novelization!

Ahsoka Tano to get her own Star Wars novelization!

Did you watch the Star Wars: Rebels season 2 finale?! Well we finally got to see the battle we've been waiting for since the introduction of Ahsoka Tano into this timeline. Though we are not certain on her destiny after this episode we are still asking questions of...

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-Ray Deleted Scenes Teaser

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Blu-Ray Deleted Scenes Teaser

Are you ready for the home release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens?! Of course you are. Ever since the announcement that we would be seeing some deleted scenes from the movie the excitement has only gone up. Check out the teaser for the upcoming Blu-Ray release...

Star Wars Rogue One prequel comic announced by Marvel

Star Wars Rogue One prequel comic announced by Marvel

Just in case you didn't have enough on your plate when it comes to Star Wars comic books, Marvel has yet another course for you. Announced this weekend at Chicago's C2E2 comic-con, Marvel will be releasing a prequel mini-series that will introduce us to the characters...

Funko Announces Next Smuggler’s Bounty Box Theme!

Funko Announces Next Smuggler’s Bounty Box Theme!

I am going to be pretty blunt about this month's box, it sucked. I know that Funko thinks that it is ok to just give us two POP! figures and send us on our merry way with a t-shirt and a shite POP pen, but really it's not. What I like about these geek boxes is the...

Han Solo comic from Marvel coming out this June!

Han Solo comic from Marvel coming out this June!

If you haven't been reading any of the Star Wars comics out from Marvel, I highly suggest you get on it. They have all been pretty fantastic; expanding on what you know from the Original Trilogy and adding to the mythology. We even lead a Towelite Talk discussion on...


