Grand Theft Auto V recreates The Force Awakens Trailer

Grand Theft Auto V recreates The Force Awakens Trailer

I never did get a chance to play Grand Theft Auto V this year, but I know Moses loved the crap outta it. As a fan of the series, I love how it gets more elaborate as time goes on and the more customizable it becomes. Clever videogamer, Powerlight-13 was able to...

We now have the ability to 3D-print our own lightsabers!

We now have the ability to 3D-print our own lightsabers!

All Star Wars fans have been searching for a way to create our own Lightsabers ever since we saw A New Hope for the first time. We've scoured the ends of the Earth for Kaiburr crystals of the Jedi and coming up short. Yes, they've released plastic play sets to create...

Check out that OTHER trailer for The Force Awakens

Check out that OTHER trailer for The Force Awakens

Before the world of Geeks were shocked into speculating what the title of the new Star Wars film meant; Dan Lalonde was laughing about it. His fan film, The Force Awakens, will be 9 years old by the time the J. J. Abrams movie reaches theaters. With a ton of...


