Double Damage pitched Star Wars space-shooter video game

Double Damage pitched Star Wars space-shooter video game

For those of you who aren't big fans of EA here's even more fuel for your fire. Just like Hasbro has their mouths locked around Disney's you know what the same goes for EA. There isn't much room for creativity when you let these big companies run the show...

Star Wars: The Last Jedi gets the 16 bit treatment

Star Wars: The Last Jedi gets the 16 bit treatment

Youtuber Mr Sunday Movies has created a 16 bit version of the ending to Star Wars: The Last Jedi. It goes without saying that there are major spoilers in this video. Throwing it back to the Super Star Wars days this video only makes me wish they still made...

Find out what happens when Rey becomes a Sith Lord!

Find out what happens when Rey becomes a Sith Lord!

What if Rey turned to the Dark Side? That's the question that Angel "Saint" Lopez -- the Brooklyn based digital artist who goes by the name SonofSaint, and whose work has been featured in the likes of Buzzfeed, The New York Daily News, The NY Post, and...

Star Wars: A New Hope lightsaber battle gets an upgrade!

Star Wars: A New Hope lightsaber battle gets an upgrade!

Most fans can agree that the lightsaber battle in Star Wars: A New Hope isn't exactly the most thrilling. The moment that George Lucas went back and made the prequels and the fancy-dancy lightsaber fights, all of the battles in the original movies were...

Funko announces new Star Wars merch!

Funko announces new Star Wars merch!

Happy Star Wars Sunday Towelites! Funko has been knocking it out of the park with their POP! Rides series when it comes to Star Wars. Coming soon is one of the most iconic vehicles from the movies, the speeder bike! What is kind of confusing is why they would make...


