This week Sam and Castiel take a road trip to find answers from the one person they despise, Metatron. An old friend of the family returns to help them.  Rowena makes a bold move to get rid of Dean and Crowley finally gets his mojo back.

Supernatural Inside Man 02The Good

  • Bobby is back!!!
  • Metatron is mortal now. Castiel took his grace after Sam and he broke him out of Heaven’s prison to get answers about the Mark.
  • Bobby’s reference to Metatron as a Fraggle is priceless
  • Bobby’s heaven’s paradise is just like from a scene from “The Martix Reloaded”.
  • Rowena attacks Dean, but fails due to the Mark protecting him from her spell.
  • Dean’s demon is slowly showing its ugly face. He is struggling to control the Mark and the demon.
  • Bobby is not happy that Sam went behind Dean’s back with this plan to break Metatron out of Heaven, but he understands.
  • Crowley gets a wake up call from Dean after Rowena’s attack. He convinces Crowley that Rowena is always looking out for her and no one else.  Crowley decides to banish her from Hell and him forever.
  • Metatron tries to save his mortal life by telling Castiel that he knows where his grace is.
  • Bobby gives Sam one final advice before he goes back to Heaven. Don’t shut out Dean with his plan to save him, it won’t end well.

Supernatural Inside Man 01The Bad

  • I did like Heaven’s little paradise for each soul, but the copycat idea of the Matrix Reloaded scene is a little cheesy.
  • Sam and Castiel are not any step closer to finding a way to remove the Mark.
  • I will miss Rowena. I will miss her Scottish accent and her smooth charm.  Is she gone completely?  I don’t know.

It looks like the old Crowley is back and Dean’s inner demon is slowly resurfacing.  It is great having Bobby back, even if it was for just one episode.  Metatron is mortal and the mystery of the Mark is getting much more complex.  This week’s episode is a good one with lots of drama, and heartfelt moments between Bobby and Sam.