Star Trek Discovery trailer is FINALLY here!

Star Trek Discovery trailer is FINALLY here!

I've been ready to go where no one has gone before.. since February. Star Trek Discovery has been pushed back to the fall but after watching this trailer I am no longer worried at all about that. Take all the time you need to deliver a quality Star Trek TV show...

First look at Marvel’s Inhumans

First look at Marvel’s Inhumans

Marvel has been hinting at their release of the Inhumans for some time. Initially announced as a standalone movie way back when, it's now coming to the small screen starting this Fall. The initial first two episodes of an 8-episode season are being shot and presented...

How Will Netflix Look In 2025?

How Will Netflix Look In 2025?

  It’s always interesting to notice how many giant entertainment companies are still behind the curve when it comes to progressive ideas. Now, we all have them from time to time, but unless you’re fully plugged into the loop, you might as well grab a dusty book...

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