This episode reveals more about Enid and how she got to Alexandria. Her mental and emotional state is explained in further detail with her motto “JSS” seared in her brain and written on her hand as a reminder that this world can spit you out and eat up if you don’t learn to survive by any way necessary. Her experience with the roamers is somewhat terrifying as she watches her parents get eaten alive by a group of roamers. Her survival consists of eating turtles and hiding in abandoned cars to avoid any roamers. But the major question everybody is asking is, could she be a mole for the Wolves and did she let them into Alexandria?
Maggie and trying to keep Deanna from falling into pieces after the death of her husband. For a moment she take up the role of her father. She becomes the voice of reason and inspiration for Deanna. She believes that Deanna needs Alexandria, and Alexandria needs her. Tara and Eugene meets the new doctor, Denise. She is a ball of nerves and reluctance to take over the town doctor. It is rather comical watching Eugene try to inspire her and motivate the new doctor. His southern charm and stimulating conversation techniques speaks volumes as to how well he is doing trying to help her. Ron is moping and brooding over the death of his father, Peter, by the hands of Carl’s dad. His disgust and hatred for Rick shows when he talks to his mother. I can appreciate his anger and frustration towards the man who killed his pop, but it is confusing and annoying that he would have sympathy for a man who beats his wife.
It’s a continuing fight for Alexandria from the scum and the unpleasantness of the zombie apocalyptic world. The Wolves finally make their presence known in the brutal way. The Alexandrians are finally getting a rude awakening that their utopian Eden-like society is just a façade that hides the awful truth that ignorance is definitely not bliss. Rick’s group takes up the mantel of protector and warrior to keep the Wolves from annihilating the Pleasantville-esque citizens of Alexandria. Every major character from Maggie to Carl slash, shoot their way through the pack of Wolves. Screams and blood curdling wails come from within as the Wolves hack down and impale every single thing that is running. Carol shreds her Holly homemaker disguise to survive this ambush bloodbath. She even goes further to become a Wolf in Wolves clothing to stealth her way through the pack in order for her to terminate these maniacs that are ruining her way of life. Morgan is trying very hard to keep his composure and not betray his Buddhist ways that all life is precious. Carol is doing the exact opposite and it doesn’t sit well with Morgan. The Carol that we see in this episode is somewhat of a superhero. Her intentions and strategy is surgically sharpened by the ever growing menace and monstrous brutality of the Wolf Pack. Images of the Alexandrians begin slaughtered is nothing short of hell. They don’t take, they kill. They don’t discriminate, they kill anyone that deems weak and inferior. Bloody corpses litter that streets and gunshots are heard within an ear distance. Fortunately, the gunshots are being fired by Ricks; group: Aaron, Carol, Maggie, Rosita, and Carl. The Wolves did not see that coming that the townsfolk would fight back. Most of the Alexandrians were taken and killed out in the open, but some of them tries to fight back.
Morgan uses his skills not of passive aggressiveness to subdue and incapacitate his attackers by using his martial art skills. He even tries to gives them a way out without killing them. When Morgan tells Carol that she doesn’t have to kill, she responds in the most simple and straightforward of ways, “yes, we do”. I believe that both of them are correct. Killing to survive is necessary, whether you need to eat, or to defend yourselves. Sometimes your environment can define who you are very quickly. The Wolf Pack believes that survival of the fittest, the strong shall inherit the world and the meek shall die. Their attitude is that everything is up for grabs, and to kill whoever gets in their way.
The town of Alexandria woke up today and got a cold, brutal taste of reality. Enid’s motto “JSS”, (Just Survive Somehow) is something that everybody must listen to. Luckily, Carol and the rest of Rick’s gang saved Alexandria, but at a grave cost. What will Rick and the rest of his group come back to, and how will they react?