The Turtles are surrounded by the Triceratons and they must fight their way out, but unfortunately they are outmatched and outgunned. During their fight, their ship gets hit by gunfire and crash lands on an icy moon that is a reminder of the planet Hoth. They are not alone though, an enemy of the Triceratons have also been shot down and has landed not far from the Turtles. They look like Newts, but are called the Salamandarians. They have no love for the Triceratons, but their ways and attitude is that of Klingons, a warrior attitude.
The Fugitiod, Professor Honeycutt has they need a specific mineral and metal called Eurilium and they are fortunate to have crash landed on a moon that has some. But the temperature outside is 180 degrees below zero, and the suits have limited power because of the crash. The Turtles and the Salamandarians are in a race to find the metal before they freeze to death. On their way towards the Eurilium, the two groups meet up. As the leader of the group, Leo feels like they need to combine their resources and find the Eurilium together, but when he tries to give a peaceful gesture of a handshake, the Salamanderian Commander Kethraka take offense to this and prepares to attack them. Professor Honeycutt neglected to inform Leo that handshakes in there is a declaration of war. The two groups fight to the death. The Salamandarians are able to defeat the Turtles and leave them under a pile of ice rocks as they head towards the Eurilium. Luckily their hard shell and hard heads, the Turtles survived their major beat down. Strangely Raph is somewhat smitten and impressed with the fighting skills and toughness of the female Salamanderian, Lieutenant Igethba. He suggests that they try again to convince the Salamandarians to work together, but Leo and everybody else disagrees. So he decides to go on his own and talk to them. As the rest of the Turtles go off without Raph, they encounter a group of very cool looking ice dragons. They were able to freeze Donnie during the attack.
Raph is able to reach Commander Kethraka, and Lieutenant Igethba but their attitude still remains the same, no interspecies cooperation. Even though Kethraka does respect the Turtles tenacity and determination, Igethba is not so impressed. She even fires at Raph and he falls down the cliff. Leaving Kethraka puzzled as to why she spared his life. All of a sudden they are surrounded by ice dragons. They fight their way, but it is too much for them. Raph comes in fights with them and saves them in the process. Igethba is now impressed with Raph’s fighting skills she considers him a friend. Raph is having trouble pronouncing her name, so he dubs her Mona Lisa. One guess as to why he calls her that.
The rest of the Turtles are fighting the ice dragons when Raph and his new friends catch with them. They join the fight and are able to defeat the dragons. They join forces is reaches the spot where they find a downed Triceraton space mine that has the Eurilium inside it. Unfortunately more ice dragons appear and their space suits are dangerously low in power. They run towards their space ship while beating off ice dragons. They are able to combine their resources and defeat the dragons and barely make it to the Fugitiod’s ship. Both ships are repaired and Commander Kethraka thanks them for their assistance. Raph gets a rather more personal thank you from Mona Lisa, a kiss.
Did the Turtles gain a new and ally? I hope so. Did Raph find love with a gecko? I’m not sure, but we shall see. They still need to find at least one piece of the Black Hole Weapon and time is running out.