Before panic set in, Jonas had a strange feeling, as if he knew this feeling. He’d seen it in many films, a protagonist swallowed alive by some form of quick sand. He knew, before at least, that quick sand didn’t actually do the things it did in old movies. That rational thought was flung out of his mind when he watched the ground slowly devoured his lower half.


empress 5Empress #5 of 7 (Marvel)

Mark Millar (W) Stuart Immonen (A)

Something about the last issue was just not that intriguing about this series. Not to be that guy, but Millar has been better. Hopefully it picks up in the latter half of the series.

newsuperman2aNew Super-Man #2 (DC)

Gene Luen Yang (W) Viktor Bogdanovic (A)

I really liked the first issue of this comic. It was funny, clever, and not at all what I was expecting. All good things, lets see if they can keep it up.

all new all different avengers annual 1All New All Different Avengers Annual #1 (Marvel)

G. Willow Wilson/Mark Waid/Natasha Allegri/Zac Gorman/Faith Erin Hicks/Scott Kurtz (W) Mahmud Asrar/Chip Zdarsky/Natasha Allegri/Jay Fosgitt/Faith Erin Hicks/Scott Kurtz (A)

It’s the issue we have all waited for, whether or not you realized you were waiting for it. We finally get a look at Kamala Khan’s Avengers Fan-fic. Judging by the creative team, everyone and their granny wanted a chance at adding to this issue. I’m in.

STL013963The Flash #4 (DC)

Joshua Williamson (W) Neil Googe (A)

This series started off so high on my list, with an amazing one shot opener. Hopefully the last issue was just a fluke, but I can already sense it getting a little stale for my tastes. I’m just not super excited for Godspeed. We’ll see how I feel after this issue.

STL011137Ringside #6 (Image)

Joe Keatinge (W) Nick Barber (A)

I’m excited for the return of this comic. The last issue ended with a very strong jumping off point. Lets see where this takes us. I really love the neo-noire sensibilities of this comic, despite not being the biggest fan of wrestling. There’s something for everyone!

STL013959Detective Comics #938 (DC)

James Tynion IV (W) Alvaro Martinez (A)

This series continues to surprise me. I like Tynion’s stuff but this even elevates his game. Mixed with amazing interiors, this is one that I can expect to see a fruitful future.

STL013377All New All Different Avengers #13 (Marvel)

Mark Waid (W) Adam Kubert (A)

Vision focused issue? I’m sold. He’s been acting very strangely in this comic, so hopefully we get some more insight into what’s going on. Probably not, but a guy can hope.

STL013422Old Man Logan #10 (Marvel)

Jeff Lemire (W) Andrea Sorrentino (A)

I have a feeling that we should be bracing for the feels in this arc. I get a sense that Lemire wants to wring Logan out, and collect his sadness and pour it into his panels. Just a sense.

STL014004Wonder Woman #4 (DC)

Greg Rucka (W) Nicola Scott (A)

I’m really excited about this comic. So far it has been the highlight of the rebirth comics, obviously all my opinion, but if you didn’t realize that when you started reading this, I think we have something to talk about. Anyway, I really dig this series. Get on it, fools.

STL013379Black Panther #5 (DC)

Ta-Nehisi Coates (W) Brian Stelfreeze (A)

A revolt in Wakanda. What can Black Panther do? Probably not a whole lot because the odds are against him. I mean how many people are in Wakanda, and he’s, like, one dude. Seriously.

STL013414Daredevil #10 (Marvel)

Charles Soule (W) Goran Sudzuka (A)

I feel like in the last four issues, this series really found it’s voice. I liked it before, but now it is something even better. What’s better than that, really? This comic in a couple months apparently.

STL013425Spider-Man/Deadpool #8 (Marvel)

Gerry Duggan (W) Scott Koblish (A)

Yay! No more guest writers! I mean they were great, but now we get back to the main event. I dig it! I seriously think this is one of the funniest comics I’ve read in a long time. Especially from one of the big two.

ASBM-Cv1-ds-675d9All-Star Batman #1 (DC)

Scott Snyder (W) John Romita (A)

I’m really excited to see Snyder back on Batman. I know, it’s only been a couple months. Yes, I know it’s not Capullo. It is Romita, which is pretty good, though. I can’t wait to get my hands on this series.

STL014236Black Monday Murders #1 (Image)

Jonathan Hickman (W) Tomm Coker (A)

I’m still waiting for Dying and the Dead. So I’ll try not to take it personally that he’s already moved on to another project. I’m still waiting for new Manhattan Projects, but it’s cool. I’ll just read this and enjoy the hell out of it in the mean time. I’m not bitter. You know. Beggers and choosers and stuff.

The thing that stuck out to him about this situation, despite his potentially imminent death, was that it wasn’t sand that was erasing him, but asphalt. This breaks all sorts of laws, most of which were physical and not legal. A last ditch struggle against the impossible reality around him did nothing to stop his demise, it did leave a decent sized pothole in the road though.