The taste of bile swirls around Nix’s mouth. A swirling cloud of neon lights surround him. Words in foreign letters reflect off of the wet asphalt as he weaves between cars. His Oxo-mask the only thing between him and the deadly gasses that leak out of every orifice of the slave wagons surrounding him. The two wheels of his mag-bike hooked invisibly to the ground, with a flip of his wrist his overide kicks in and he careens off the designated path. Entering a slick rounded tunnel, he aims for the edge of the wall and uses his speed to climb the wall.



Batman and Robin Eternal #22 (DC)

Genevieve Valentine (W) Fernando Blanco (A)

Still a solid series. Just not one I’d put the time into reading a second time. Good, not fantastic. Worth your time, but just barely.

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A-Force #3 (Marvel)

G. Willow Wilson (W) Jorge Molina (A)

Still a bit bummed that this team won’t be continuing on this series in the future. Like I do with so many changes, I’ll follow for the first few issues, but unless it continues being good, I’ll most likely drop it entirely.

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Old Man Logan #3 (Marvel)

Jeff Lemire (W) Andrea Sorrentino (A)

Everything is different and confusing for our old Logan. He goes to find his best bud in all the world and who does he find? Some teenager dressed in his purple archer gear calling herself Hawkeye. There is only one way that this gets settled. Some good, ole fashion, hero on hero ass whoopin.

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Black Widow #1 (Marvel)

Mark Waid/Chris Samnee (W) Chris Samnee (A)

Some how this series slipped under my radar for the first couple months it had been solicited and only recently caught my attention. I am super pumped for this. The last Black Widow series was great, but this team created one of my favorite Daredevil runs of ever. Go buy this.


Exodus: Life After #4 (Oni Press)

Joshua Hale Fialkov (W) Gabo (A)

This series continues to be a delight. They have succeeded in making an enjoyable and thought provoking satire on not only the human condition, but religion, and even death itself. It’s a great comic and I really hope that it continues for a long time. He said because he was afraid it was going to end soon.


Deadly Class #19 (Image)

Rick Remender (W) Wesley Craig (A)

This arc has been so fucking intense. I don’t even know where it can go after this. This is another series that I’m hoping continues, but am afraid will end sooner rather than later. Maybe I just have abandonment issues. Who knows?

Yeah, I’ve been reading some cyber-punk books recently. What about it? I’m allowed to like other things too. Stop judging me.