Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/17/18

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/17/18

Cigarette smoke filled the room like a pool, every step made the cloud swirl and waft in big waves. Davy watched the ripples from underneath on the couch. His feet were propped up on the amp of his bassist. The bassist was currently talking in hushed tones...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/10/18

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/10/18

The ticking of the clock was unbearable. An uncomfortable aroma of sweating leather seems to be sitting on my head. An old man coughs in the corner and I see a teller murder him with her eyes. He quickly tries to swallow his cough, which only successfully...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/2/18

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/2/18

Thomas had never been in a position where he could feel his world crumbling around him so vividly. The reality that he was sure existed at some point was fading to a pinpoint on the horizon of his life. He had come home to a letter that said his wife was leaving him....

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/27/17

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/27/17

Sam sat in her bed, pretending to sleep, knowing that the man in the red suit would be coming to grace her house with with love and gifts. She was pretending so well, that she actually started to slip into a dream. Few people are graced with the talent...



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