Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 4/10/19

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 4/10/19

Thomas looked over his crop. He smiled at the little sprouts of green that stretched as far as the eye could see. It took him a long time, it took him a lot of hard work, but he was here and he felt for the first time in years like he could take a moment to appreciate...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 4/3/19

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 4/3/19

The last finger was tossed in the trash bag. The bag was manufactured to emit the slightest scent of vanilla. Jessup had heard that vanilla was a strong aphrodisiac for men. He couldn't say he was turned on, not by the scent of the trash bag, nor by the primal...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 3/27/19

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 3/27/19

He fumed as he flung the door closed behind him. There had been a lot of arguments in their relationship, but he, at this particular moment, felt he had just been in the worst one yet. Stewing over the words thrown around, the things that may or may not have been...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 3/20/19

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 3/20/19

The lights in the bus shut off as the last few people found their seats. Ian had been fortunate enough to get a seat to himself, it may have been the backpack that was draped across the arms of the chair. Suddenly, soaked in darkness, Ian fell into himself with a...



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