Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/4/2017

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 1/4/2017

“Hey, are you here for the car?” Ryan's adrenaline was through the roof. It was a cold night, but even with only his button up shirt on, he was sweating bullets. “Yeah.” “Cool, David couldn't come, but I owed him a favor so I came along instead.” This dude was jovial....

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/28/16

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/28/16

It occurred of the the course of a year. In the course of a single year, the world lost it's only hope. The world lost all of it's heroes. At first the strongest died, baffling the media. Legends dove from the sky, warriors died in battle, monuments crumbled, Gods...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/21/16

Tom pressed his face against the thick window. It should have been cold, Tom's body even anticipated it's freezing temperature, instead it was warm. Another sterilized piece if an intricate toy. Everything was ergonomically molded, germ resistant, plasticine, and most...

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/14/16

Top of the Stack: Comic Book New Releases 12/14/16

Years ago, Erin had a change occur within her. She witnessed something that caused the world in her eyes to die. Something so revolting it could never truly be captured with words. Something that would defy explanation for the rest of her life. This is why she is...



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