Welcome to another week of releases… this time, we only have two, but both are great.  Lets start with one for TV first though.

Adventure Time, releases its 3rd season.  I don’t really watch the show, but for the few episodes I have seen, I feel like it’s definitely one of the better cartoons out there.

Adventure Time 3

With that out of the way… Thor: the Dark World comes out today as well.  Starring Chris Hemsworth and Natalie Portman, this sequel not only was better than its predecessor, but actually considered one of the better Marvel films.  I can’t wait to check this one out in 3D.

Thor DW

My favorite announcement for the week is for my favorite film (of 2013),  The spectacular Gravity comes out today, directed by Alfonso Cuaron, and starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney.  This movie was simply amazing.  I could go on and on about it, but if you’re interested on a full on review, you can read mine here.


Well, that’s it for the week.  See you next time!
