So, I could mention that the blu-ray for season 6 of The Vampire Diaries comes out today, but nobody should really care about that.  What would be more interesting is Robin Williams’ last film (RIP) Boulevard.  I don’t remember hearing of this being made, but I’m sure it’s worth a watch.


An even bigger highlight for the week is season 1 of Star Wars Rebels.  This animated series is mean to tie into the Star Wars stories (now that Disney has taken over), and it’s definitely doing a great job showing us how amazing Star Wars can be!

Star Wars Rebels

But despite the excitement we should have over Rebels, the biggest highlight of the week is the awesome, action packed, Mad Max: Fury Road.  This movie was great, and I can’t wait to see it again.  I didn’t catch it in 3D in the theaters, so I’m excited to be getting the 3d release and give it a whole new watching experience.

Fury Road

September is off to a a good start, and hopefully it will stay that way.
