Bunkers & Badasses RPG brings the world of Borderlands to your Tabletop!
I randomly came across the pre-order for the upcoming Bunkers & Badasses RPG over the weekend and I couldn't believe my eyes, a RPG based on the insane world of Borderlands! Brought to you by the folks over at Gearbox & Nerdvana have been given the GOLDEN KEY...
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time REMAKE coming to consoles January 2021!
I loved this series. I played the OLD ones back on computer. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time set new standards for gaming when it hit consoles back in the early 2000's. It's impressive combination of storytelling, puzzle solving and straight up sky walking and...
Scott Pilgrim is back! Ubisoft releasing ‘COMPLETE EDITION’ this Holiday season!
This game is an INSTANT BUY for my Switch. Get ready because the game that paid the ultimate homage to one of the greatest beat-em-up's in history, River City Ransom is back! Get ready to punch and kick your way through all those Evil Ex's in Ubisoft's Scott Pilgrim...
Star Trek Online – ‘House Divided’ is Now Live on PS4 and Xbox One
If you're a fan of Star Trek and haven't checked out the MMO Star Trek Online I suggest you do. It is mostly free and the latest DLC has arrived, House Divided. Check out the official rundown and trailer below and find out more about it on the official website! The...
Gamerverse Avengers Get New Minimates at Walgreens Stores!
Who else is playing the crap out of Marvel's Avengers? I put in a goods chunk of my labor day weekend hours playing the game and I'll say that it is a lot of fun. Today we have the latest offering of collectible merch from Diamond Select Toys featuring your favorite...