Streets of Rage 4 release date revealed and new trailer!
Get ready to rage in the streets one more time! Streets of Rage 4 is due out tentatively on April 23rd on Nintendo Switch, Xbox-One and PS4. One of the best things about this new release is the retro game cases that you can get if you buy a physical copy! Check out...
Braveland Trilogy is live now on Xbox One and PS4
Give me a good adventure RPG any day of the week and that's just what Braveland Trilogy promises. Developed by Tortuga Team and published by Ellada Games, Braveland Trilogy brings you some epic turn-based fun that is coming to a console near you! Learn more about the...
Final Fantasy VII Remake NOW AVAILABLE!
The day has come! The Final Fantasy VII Remake has been in production for a long time and you can now own part one of the exciting "new" game! I personally have to wait until Tuesday (hopefully) to get my Deluxe Edition but I've waited this long so a couple more days...
Help SCIENCE! with a new mini-game in Borderlands 3
If you like video games and science you can actually be a big help! Check out this video for the new mini-game where you can earn in-game items in Borderlands 3 AND help scientists! Check out the infomative video below! Introducing the Borderlands Science arcade in...
Design the Cyberpunk 2077 PC Case of Your Dreams!
Cyberpunk 2077 is by far one of the most anticipated games of the year and to kick off the game coming to PC, CD Project Red is giving fans the chance to 'Cyber-Up Your PC'. It's a contest where you can design a PC case mod inspired by the game. Learn more about it...