On The Walking Dead this week we were with Abraham’s group in the bus on their way to D.C. Of course, it can’t go smoothly and the bus flips over 15 miles from the church and they are forced to walk and find shelter in a book store. We also find out more about Abraham and Eugene in this episode.

The Good:

– Eugene is hilarious! There was a lot of mullet love going on in this episode, along with him just being the weird, funny guy that he is. He’s a total creeper, watching Abraham and Rosita getting it on and he really has no social skills at all.

– We find out that Eugene sabotaged the bus by putting broken glass in the fuel line. He confided this to Tara, and being the true friend that she is, she told him that it was their little secret and that he shouldn’t tell anyone else about it.

– Abraham is having flashbacks of his family, and how he got to where he is now. Turns out something terrible happened to them (on Talking Dead he reveals that they were raped by neighbors) and he killed everyone of the neighbors with canned food. That scared his wife and kids away, and when he finally found them they had been eaten by Walkers. Just as he was about to turn the gun on himself he saw Eugene, clumsily “running” from Walkers and saved him. That’s when Eugene told him about his “mission.”

– The fire truck! In one of the greatest Walker kill scenes yet, Eugene climbs on top of the fire truck and sprays them all with the fire hose to save everyone.

– When the fire truck dies and they have to start walking again, they come across a ranch that is full of Walkers, I mean hundreds of them. There’s no possible way to get through without someone, if not everyone, dying. Abraham is adamant about pushing on, “NO TURNING BACK!” when everyone is arguing, and basically begging him to turn around. He won’t surrender, until Eugene admits that he is not a scientist, that there is no mission, he just needed someone strong on his side. At that point Abraham feels like all hope is lost, beats the living crap out of Eugene and falls on his knees.


The Bad:

– Can’t they catch a break, just once? Couldn’t one of their vehicles lasted until they at least got into a new town or city? I guess it’s fine, since now they can go back to Rick and everyone, but it just seems like no one can get ahead in this world.

– I really hope that Eugene survives this beating. I like him a lot. Sure, he lied, but he did what he had to to survive, and his brain is the only weapon he has.


Next week we get to see how Daryl and Carol get to the hospital and what goes on there. With only three episodes left I’m hoping we can have everyone back together by the end. I really don’t like when the group is split up.

Here’s a preview of next week’s episode ‘Consumed’